Ladies Div 1: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Donna Cruickshank 4 4 100.00
1 Jo Loudon 4 4 100.00
3 Lauren Gray 2 2 100.00
3 Senga Macfie 2 2 100.00
5 Freya Kerry 6 7 85.71
6 Aoife Kerrin 5 6 83.33
7 Jules Mair 4 5 80.00
7 Claire Thompson 4 5 80.00
9 Heather Spens 6 8 75.00
10 Linda Murray 3 4 75.00
10 Rosie Fraser 3 4 75.00
12 Julie Barr 5 7 71.43
13 Tricia Watson 4 6 66.67
14 Sam Hart 5 8 62.50
15 juliet shaw 3 5 60.00
16 Georgia Mutch 4 7 57.14
17 Paula Gilchrist 3 6 50.00
17 Moira Atkinson 3 6 50.00
19 Laura Robertson 2 4 50.00
20 Catherine Holland 1 2 50.00
21 Lesley Aitken 3 7 42.86
22 Joyce Leach 2 6 33.33
22 Anna Cumming 2 6 33.33
24 Karen Kennedy 1 3 33.33
25 Debbie Connell 2 7 28.57
26 Yvonne Ferguson 2 8 25.00
26 Jo Watts 2 8 25.00
28 Hayley Macdonald 1 5 20.00
29 Verity Whiteside 1 6 16.67
30 Nicola Crosbie 0 6 0.00
31 Sandra Kempston 0 5 0.00
32 Jo Cowie 0 2 0.00
32 Olivia Palma 0 2 0.00
34 Anna Hallam 0 1 0.00
34 Jean MacGilchrist 0 1 0.00
34 Catherine Boyd 0 1 0.00
34 Fiona Robertson 0 1 0.00
34 Rozi Ardill 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Lauren Gray 1519
2 Senga Macfie 1433
3 Aoife Kerrin 1047
4 Heather Spens 1016
5 Donna Cruickshank 953
6 Georgia Mutch 950
7 Moira Atkinson 931
8 Hayley Macdonald 918
9 Freya Kerry 812
10 Joyce Leach 801
11 Lesley Aitken 763
12 Rosie Fraser 759
13 Tricia Watson 750
14 Julie Barr 730
14 Sam Hart 730
16 Jo Watts 720
16 Claire Thompson 720
18 juliet shaw 712
19 Nicola Crosbie 709
20 Verity Whiteside 699
21 Debbie Connell 691
22 Anna Cumming 682
23 Jo Cowie 664
24 Catherine Holland 644
25 Linda Murray 638
26 Yvonne Ferguson 629
27 Paula Gilchrist 626
28 Karen Kennedy 619
29 Jules Mair 614
30 Laura Robertson 609
31 Jo Loudon 607
32 Sandra Kempston 601
33 Jean MacGilchrist 591
34 Fiona Robertson 549
35 Catherine Boyd 541
36 Olivia Palma 451
37 Rozi Ardill 413
38 Anna Hallam 320
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
Donna Cruickshank 100.00 4 0
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Jo Loudon 2 2 100.00
2 Jules Mair 2 3 66.67
3 juliet shaw 3 5 60.00
4 Sam Hart 1 2 50.00
5 Georgia Mutch 1 3 33.33
6 Paula Gilchrist 1 4 25.00
6 Debbie Connell 1 4 25.00
8 Lesley Aitken 1 5 20.00
8 Verity Whiteside 1 5 20.00
8 Hayley Macdonald 1 5 20.00
11 Nicola Crosbie 6 0.00
12 Jo Watts 5 0.00
13 Yvonne Ferguson 4 0.00
14 Sandra Kempston 3 0.00
14 Anna Cumming 3 0.00
14 Moira Atkinson 3 0.00
17 Joyce Leach 2 0.00
17 Karen Kennedy 2 0.00
17 Olivia Palma 2 0.00
20 Julie Barr 1 0.00
20 Tricia Watson 1 0.00
20 Jean MacGilchrist 1 0.00
20 Catherine Boyd 1 0.00
20 Claire Thompson 1 0.00
20 Linda Murray 1 0.00
20 Heather Spens 1 0.00
20 Aoife Kerrin 1 0.00
20 Jo Cowie 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Julie Barr 600 730 130
2 juliet shaw 618 712 94
3 Heather Spens 950 1016 66
4 Lesley Aitken 700 763 63
5 Jules Mair 554 614 60
6 Catherine Holland 600 644 44
7 Jo Loudon 568 607 39
8 Sam Hart 695 730 35
9 Freya Kerry 784 812 28
10 Laura Robertson 600 609 9
11 Hayley Macdonald 911 918 7
12 Paula Gilchrist 620 626 6
13 Claire Thompson 714 720 6
14 Verity Whiteside 695 699 4
15 Linda Murray 634 638 4
16 Debbie Connell 689 691 2
17 Karen Kennedy 617 619 2
18 Lauren Gray 1517 1519 2
18 Olivia Palma 449 451 2
20 Aoife Kerrin 1047 1047 0
21 Donna Cruickshank 953 953 0
22 Rozi Ardill 413 413 0
23 Moira Atkinson 933 931 -2
24 Georgia Mutch 956 950 -6
25 Rosie Fraser 765 759 -6
26 Yvonne Ferguson 636 629 -7
27 Jo Watts 729 720 -9
28 Tricia Watson 759 750 -9
29 Catherine Boyd 550 541 -9
29 Fiona Robertson 558 549 -9
31 Anna Cumming 692 682 -10
32 Jo Cowie 675 664 -11
33 Jean MacGilchrist 602 591 -11
34 Nicola Crosbie 725 709 -16
35 Senga Macfie 1450 1433 -17
36 Joyce Leach 820 801 -19
37 Sandra Kempston 626 601 -25
38 Anna Hallam 600 320 -280
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Nicola Crosbie 6 6 100.00
2 Sandra Kempston 5 5 100.00
3 Jo Cowie 2 2 100.00
3 Olivia Palma 2 2 100.00
5 Anna Hallam 1 1 100.00
5 Jean MacGilchrist 1 1 100.00
5 Catherine Boyd 1 1 100.00
5 Fiona Robertson 1 1 100.00
5 Rozi Ardill 1 1 100.00
10 Verity Whiteside 5 6 83.33
11 Hayley Macdonald 4 5 80.00
12 Yvonne Ferguson 6 8 75.00
12 Jo Watts 6 8 75.00
14 Debbie Connell 5 7 71.43
15 Joyce Leach 4 6 66.67
15 Anna Cumming 4 6 66.67
17 Karen Kennedy 2 3 66.67
18 Lesley Aitken 4 7 57.14
19 Paula Gilchrist 3 6 50.00
19 Moira Atkinson 3 6 50.00
21 Laura Robertson 2 4 50.00
22 Catherine Holland 1 2 50.00
23 Georgia Mutch 3 7 42.86
24 juliet shaw 2 5 40.00
25 Sam Hart 3 8 37.50
26 Tricia Watson 2 6 33.33
27 Julie Barr 2 7 28.57
28 Heather Spens 2 8 25.00
29 Linda Murray 1 4 25.00
29 Rosie Fraser 1 4 25.00
31 Jules Mair 1 5 20.00
31 Claire Thompson 1 5 20.00
33 Aoife Kerrin 1 6 16.67
34 Freya Kerry 1 7 14.29
35 Donna Cruickshank 0 4 0.00
35 Jo Loudon 0 4 0.00
37 Lauren Gray 0 2 0.00
37 Senga Macfie 0 2 0.00